In 1995, both Zachary and Amelia spoke to me of the peril facing this physical earth.
I recorded it in The Invisible Choir, Zachary’s input in Chapter 5: Catastrophe, and Amelia’s in Chapter 7: This Earth of Yours. In 2012, Amelia had more to say on the subject. “We have spoken of the four basic attitudes (Chapter 21: Love: it is an imperative), which are expected of all created worlds and are taught in all of them. This world is not the only one to have lost sight of the Creator’s demands. The lessons and expectations are the same in all. “The Creator is well aware that it is possible for all life forms to live together in harmony, to support each other for the greater good, to resolve conflict in a peaceful manner, and to preserve that which they have been given. Other worlds have come to the brink of extinction and have been able to reverse course. “Humankind has not acknowledged the error of its ways or learned to work as one. If that trend continues, this earth does not stand a chance; but, it can be redeemed. We spirits who have been teaching, through our approaches to you and others, have been instructed to say that it is absolutely imperative for humankind to live in harmony and to work together to preserve what has been given to you. You must stop fighting long enough to realize that you are about to lose the very earth that sustains you. “The most immediate danger is that the ozone layer is being depleted every day, allowing ultra-violet rays to damage the jungles and forests, which are necessary to prevent the warming of the earth and the destruction of both polar regions. That is primary. The second issue is waste that has no place to go, made of materials that will not be reclaimed for hundreds of years. One example is plastic. What is manufactured now, then used briefly and discarded, will not be reclaimed for 500 to 1000 years, if not longer. Alternative resources must be found. “This earth has been in a steady decline for the last 400 years—a decline that has been peaking for the last 200. Prior to that time, containers were made of reusable and biodegradable materials. Since then, the use of fossil fuels and non-biodegradable materials has changed your course. You have created a monster. You will not recognize this earth several hundred years from now. It is important that you know how imperative it is that you teach the importance of the preservation of the earth. If current practices are not changed, it is not inconceivable that it could result in the demise of this earth much sooner than it would otherwise be. “The first approaches made, on this topic, were fifty to one hundred years ago. There were many meetings held in the spirit world regarding how change could be accomplished. The Masters realized we would have to start on a small scale. In some areas of the world, those approaches have led to an explosion of support and action. This country is known for both its diversity and its individualism. It, and others like it, are taking a longer time to come around. In some less privileged countries it has been an easier task; their populations are more open to our teaching. This population will be difficult.”
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October 2018